The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

EXHIBITION / Władysław Starewicz – a Pioneer of World...

EXHIBITION / Władysław Starewicz – a Pioneer of World...

Published: 15 marca 2022 Views: 1840 Art, Exhibitions, Festivals, Home

13 PLASTER – International Festival of Graphic Design

Exhibition opening: 10.06.2022 (Friday), 6 PM
Curator: Krzysztof Białowicz

The 13th edition of the Plaster International Graphic Design Festival will have a unique character.
We have decided to change the theme of the event and dedicate it to the fighting Ukraine. To show symbolic support for the stranded Ukrainian nation, we will invite designers from all over Europe to participate in three exhibitions. The works to be presented at the exhibitions will be obtained in two ways – by individual invitations and through a competition. The name of the festival – „Plaster” – takes on a new meaning in these circumstances, becoming a symbol of support and solidarity with our neighbor.

Information for artists on the conditions of participation in the 13 Plaster exhibition can be found in the pdf file.


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Instytucja finansowana ze środków Miasta Toruń