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EXHIBITION / Marek Żuławski. Paintings from the collection of...

Exhibition / New Expression

Published: 24 stycznia 2024 Views: 2135 Art, Home, Plaster

International Festival of Graphic Design – competition

When: 10.05.2024, 6 PM

Curator: Krzysztof Białowicz

This year’s 15th edition of the Plaster International Graphic Design Festival will focus on art from Latin America and a separate event will be a thematic competition.
In the space of the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń, we will present an exhibition of contemporary Mexican posters, an individual exhibition of last year’s festival winner – Eduardo Davit, an exhibition of designers from South America and an exhibition of the winners of the thematic competition. This means over 200 works in four spaces. We start on May 10th, 2024. We cordially invite you ! 

We invite you to take part in the competition of this year’s 15th edition of the  International Graphic Design Festival PLASTER. „NEW WORLD” is the motto.
You can find the competition conditions here: INFORMATION
We are looking forward to your submissions!

Deadline: April 15, 2024


UPDATE – results of the competition

Dear Artists, thank you very much for participating in the competition part of the 15 Plaster Festival entitled „New World”. We received over 900 works from all over the world. Your projects shed new light on the future and reinterpret the present.

Link to the list of finalists:


During the 15th edition of the International Graphic Design Festival PLASTER, the jury composed of: Coco Cerrella, Dominika Czerniak-Chojnacka, Eduardo Davit, Elżbieta Chojna, Xavier Bermudez distinguished 5 works. Their authors are: Daniel Garrow (USA), Goyen Chen (Taiwan), Jakub Sobczak (Poland), Justyna Jędrysek (Poland), Marco Antonio Cadena Blanco (Bolivia). Congratulations!

  • Daniel Garrow (USA) – New World
  • Goyen Chen (Taiwan) – Listen to peace Taiwan
  • Jakub Sobczak (Poland) – Raj / Paradise
  • Justyna Jędrysek (Poland) – Ordinary meal
  • Marco Antonio Cadena Blanco (Boliwia) –  A New World is possible

Goyen Chen received the Award of the Director of the Center for Contemporary Art in Toruń, Krzysztof Stanisławski, for his work „Listen to peace” during the 15th edition of the PLASTER International Graphic Design Festival. The prize will be his individual exhibition at the Center for Contemporary Art in 2025.

We are pleased to announce that in this year’s edition of the Plaster festival, our long-time partner – Aklen – sponsored two equivalent distinctions. The winners were: Patrycja Matuszewska and Michal Tadeusz Golanski. Both works were appreciated for their original and bold look at the future, supported by high artistic quality. Congratulations!


  • AKLEN Mention – Michał Tadeusz Golański
  • AKLEN MENTION – Patrycja Matuszewska


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