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Poster promoting Field of hearing Festival

Published: 15 listopada 2013 Views: 1902 Art, Festivals

Field of Vision – Field of Hearing / Lutosławski

On the 15th of November CoCA in Toruń will launch the 4th edition of the unique and one of a kind festival – Field of Vision / Field of Hearing, which connects the most recent tendencies in animation and new media with distinguished musical compositions. The idea of this year’s festival is to present the music of the notable polish composer, Witold Lutosławski, confronted with contemporary visual art and digital media.

The aim of the festival is to show universal values brought by the music of ingenious composer. In the time of total domination of the visual culture it semms most reasonable to look for new forms of presentation of contemporary music. The timelessness of Witold Lutoslawski’s compositions interacts perfectly with modern and attractive image. Animations and experimental movies, made by the artists especially for the purposes of this festival as visual illustrations of particular pieces by Witold Lutosławski and other contemporary composers (such as: Penderecki, Bacewicz, Mykietyn), will complete the sound in most original way.

All events of the festival will take place at the ground floor of CoCA. The scenography, arranged especially for the festival purposes, should allow the audience follow animations and listen to the music while observing the artists. Three screens of total size of 40 m2 will display the evolving images tightly synchronized with the sounds.

During two festival days, on the 15th and 16th of November, we will witness performances of contemporary music coexisting with sophisticated image produced with the use of  most recent technologies. The first day of the festival is a celebration of chamber ensembles.

We will hear one of the most prominent European string quartets  –  the Lutosławski Quartet – and excellent quintet playing wind instruments: The Woodwind Quintet of Cracow Philharmonics. Except for the pieces by Witold Lutosławski, the musicians will also perform compositions by Grażyna Bacewicz, Krzysztof Penderecki, Paweł Mykietyn, Wojciech Kilar i György Ligeti. The artist behind the visuals prepared for these pieces is Robert Seidel, known in the contemporary animation scene for his very subtle and minimalist colour palette.

The second day of the festival will start with a concert by Adam Bałdych, one of the most recognizable contemporary Polish violinists whose repertoire concentrates on jazz and avant-garde. Together with Paweł Hendrich, composer correlating his work closely with computer, and with visual artist Paweł Lisek, the artists will perform the AVATAR project, based on improvisation relating to, among others, the pieces of Lutosławski, Bach and Hildegard of Bingen.

The next performance of a German duo: Reinhold Friedl and Lillevan with their audiovisual project entitled “Lutosławski Homage” will be based on the dialogue between sounds generated by prepared piano and dynamic animation.

The culmination of the festival is the PRENTY project – a music concept created by Konrad Kucz, Mateusz Kwiatkowski and Robert Rasz. Their first composition entitled “Lutoslavia”, accompanied by excellent visualizations prepared by American artist Raymond Salvatore Harmon, is related to the Lutosławski’s concept of composition.

During the festival the Labsen space will host an interactive installation by Paweł Janicki, giving the audience an opportunity to actively participate in the process of composing a musical piece! This should be possible thanks interactive animated graphic structures generated on three related screens. The installation will feature a selection of fragments of Witold Lutosławski’s compositions.

As an additional event, expanding the field of art expressions during the Field of Vision, CoCA plans to present a graffiti installation by Raymond Salvatore Harmon, created live in the day of opening of the festival on the Boulevard of Art in front of the CoCA building.



/ 15.11 / Friday

/ 19.00, CoCA’s ground floor – Opening of the festival

Lutosławski Quartet – concert / visualisation – Robert Seidel

W. Lutoslawski – String Quartet

K. Penderecki – 1st String Quartet

P. Mykietyn – 2nd String Quartet


The Woodwind Quintet of Cracow Philharmonics – concert / visualisation – Robert Seidel

W. Lutosławski – Trio (1944/45)

G. Ligeti – Sechs Bagatellen

G. Bacewicz – Kwintet (1932)

W. Kilar – Kwintet


/ 18.00 – 22.00

LABSEN / CoCA’s ground floor

Multimedia installation by Paweł Janicki

/ interactive music installation controlled by movements and mobile devices based on aleatoric music concept  by Witold Lutosławski


/ 16.11 / Saturday

/ 19.00, CoCA’s ground floor

Adam Bałdych, Paweł Hendrich – concert / visualisation – Paweł Lisek

Projekt AVATAR / premiere

Reinhold Friedl – concert / visualisation – vj Lillevan

Projekt – Lutoslavski Homage / premiere

PRENTY – concert / visualisation – Raymond Salvatore Harmon


Projekt – Lutoslavia / premiere

Konrad Kucz – electronic devices

Mateusz Kwiatkowski – cello

Robert Rasz – percussion instruments


/ 12.00 – 22.00 / LABSEN / CoCA’s ground floor

Multimedia installation by Paweł Janicki / continuation


/ 17.11 / Sunday

/ 12.00 – 18.00 / LABSEN / CoCa’s ground floor

Multimedia installation by Paweł Janicki / continuation

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