The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

Purchased for the collection: Joachim Fleischer, Scanning

Purchased for the collection: Wiesław Smużny, documentation for the...

Published: 6 grudnia 2017 Views: 1347 Collection of CoCA – blog

Purchased for the collection: Krzysztof Mazur, Frame

Krzysztof Mazur, Frame (Rama), 2005
plywood, three carpentry clamps


The work of the Toruń artist Krzysztof Mazur is highly restrained in terms of form, and respectful towards the material. The material emerging to the foreground in the sculptor’s work is wood, which becomes the substance for creating objects of a sculptural character, or sculptures in the classic sense of the term. Mazur creates legible works of intensive meaning, in which economic form initiates intellectual activity. The wood in the artist’s objects is alive, „breathes”, builds an understanding between the natural world and the artistic idea.


His 2005 work Frame is an example of work revealing the natural properties of plywood. It is a dynamic object in which the delaminating structure of the material gives the impression of movement. Nevertheless, the whole is fastened with metal clamps, which emphasise the impression of the tension in the material. Restrained artistic gestures speak of the dynamic of the human psyche, of the struggle with the substance of life.



Krzysztof Mazur graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UMK in Toruń (1984), obtaining his diploma from the studio of sculpture under Dr B. Bieniulis-Strynkiewicz and Professor A. Ryszka. Since 1990 he has been a lecturer and researcher at the UMK, currently as a professor in the Department of Sculpture. Within his artistic work, he realises sculptural objects, arranges places and situations. Mazur’s works have been presented at many individual and collective exhibitions. In 1992 he founded and for several years headed the Foundation for Artistic Practices „i…”. He is the creator and host of the private centre Planta Art Cultivation in the village of Biskupice. For his work for the development and dissemination of culture, he has been awarded the Distinguished Cultural Service Award by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.


  • Krzysztof Mazur, Frame
  • Krzysztof Mazur, Frame

Purchase from own resources (2017)

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Instytucja finansowana ze środków Miasta Toruń