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Exhibition / David Lynch. Silence and Dynamism

Published: 16 października 2017 Views: 2780 Art, Home

David Lynch. Silence And Dynamism / information about opening

Due to overwhelming demand to participate in the opening reception of David Lynch’s exhibition Silence and Dynamism, which is to take place on 12 November 2017, 17.00, at the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń, ul. Wały gen. Sikorskiego 13, we announce the following:

The opening reception is by invitation only.

All persons who receive an invitation are requested to confirm their attendance at before 5 November 2017. No confirmation will be considered equivalent to non-attendance.

Important: you will be admitted to the show upon presenting your printed invitation so please make sure that you have it on you as you arrive at the event.

Invited visitors will be admitted to CoCA from 16.00 to 17.00. After 17.00 invitations will be considered no longer valid. In case places are still available, uninvited visitors will be admitted on a first-come first-served basis. On the day of the opening admission to the exhibition is until 19.30.

Important! For security reasons only a limited number of visitors can be allowed into CoCA. People waiting outside will be let in as soon as some of the visitors leave the building.


We are pleased to announce that a publication dedicated specifically to David Lynch’s exhibition is available at a discount. The first 100 people to pre-order a copy of the book will receive an invitation to the opening reception.

The publication dedicated to David Lynch’s output is the second volume in the series published by the Fundacja Publikacja, related to the Camerimage Festival and the shows staged at the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń. It contains essays by film critics – award winning and honourably mentioned participants in the Krzysztof Mętrak Competition. The editors of the book are Anna Osmólska-Mętrak, PhD, and Radosław Osiński, PhD. Published for the first time, the essays discuss Lynch’s short and feature films as well as his television, musical and advertising productions in diverse artistic and cultural contexts. The aim of this publication is to popularize the director’s achievement in Poland, and to provide a source of knowledge and inspiration to all interested in moving pictures and film criticism.

The book can be ordered at from Monday 23 October, 12.00, while ordered copies along with an invitation can be collected:

* on Friday (10 November) and Saturday (11 November), 10.00-18.00

* or on the day of the opening (Sunday, 12 November), 12.00-16.00

in the Księgarnia Sztuki, CoCA, Wały Gen. Sikorskiego 13, Toruń.

Please remember that your CAMERIMAGE Accreditation gives you free access to the exhibition (but not the opening reception) throughout the festival week (13-18 November 2017).


Other events during the CAMERIMAGE Festival include:

A meeting with the director devoted to Transcendental Meditation – Monday, 13 November, Centrum Kultury Dwór Artusa in Toruń (details and rules for admission to be announced soon).

A screening of two initial episodes of the new Twin Peaks season, followed by a Q&A with the Artist – Tuesday, 14 November, Opera Nova in Bydgoszcz, as part of the CAMERIMAGE Festival.

You will get a rare chance to see the beginning of the new season of the cult series on the big screen! Admission exclusively for viewers with CAMERIMAGE Accreditation. Due to limited space, visitors will be admitted on a first-come first-served basis.


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