The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

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Microutopias of the Everyday. Exhibition of the Collection of...

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Toruń Collection

The Dreams of Reason - cover

Published: 6 grudnia 2013 Views: 1937 Books, Publications

The Dreams of Reason. Highlights of the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection

The exhibition dedicated to the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection opens new perspective to the desire and urge to collect which, more than the creation of a set of extraordinary artworks, can be seen as a way of framing a particular historical moment. This moment could be called the “Turn of the Century”, as well as in many other ways, but it is definitely that sequence of political, social or economical turbulences that shook the world in the last twenty years. Started at the

beginning of the 90s and, since then, progressively growing, the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection has evolved as a lucid and vehement view on this historical period in all its complexity and incongruity. It has embraced the spirit of criticality and engagement of current artistic practices, and has laid particular attention to discourses which dealt with the

social position of women, environmental urgencies and with the effects of globalisation and transculturality. Numbering more than two thousand artworks by some of the leading contemporary artists, this collection can be seen as a model of excellency, but even more as an example of cultural and social engagement channelled through the exhibitive and educational activity of the Foundation Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, situated in Turin and Guarene.


  • The Dreams of Reason - cover
    The Dreams of Reason - cover
  • The Dreams of Reason
    The Dreams of Reason
  • The Dreams of Reason
    The Dreams of Reason
  • The Dreams of Reason
    The Dreams of Reason


Catalogue edited by
Dobrila Denegri

Catalogue texts
Dobrila Denegri
Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo

Catalogue entries by
Lorenzo Balbi
Irene Calderoni
Anna Colin

Natalia Cieślak (catalogue entries )
Maciej Durkiewicz ( Italian-Polish )
Aleksandra Jakubczak (Italian-English )

Natalia Cieślak
Ian Corkill
Paweł Falkowski
Paulina Kuhn
Katarzyna Radomska

Grzegorz Laszuk K+S
Anna Hegman K+S

Marcin Treichel

Photos of exhibition
Wojciech Olech

Lenders and Copyright
Collezione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo

Yong-Baek Lee
Angel Soldier, 2005 videostill, video projection 23’ courtesy of Collezione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo

© Authors of the texts
© 2013 Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu
All rights reserved

Printed by
ARTiS Poligrafia s.c. ul. Granitowa 7/9
87-100 Toruń

ISBN: 978-83-62881-31-4

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Instytucja finansowana ze środków Miasta Toruń