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Published: 5 listopada 2013 Views: 1953 Books, Publications

Microutopias of the Everyday. Exhibition of the Collection of CoCA Torun

Microutopias of the everyday consist of a conscious and creative process of shaping one’s surroundings, taking care of one’s place, of everyone and everything we deal with, and improving relationships with others – people, animals and the whole natural world.

Featuring selected artworks from the collection of the Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu in Torun, the exhibition explores the problem of relations and diverse forms of life, including private, public, organic, post-human, local and artistic life. Art is where encounters happen and, according to contemporary art theoretician Nicolas Bourriaud, it is vital to reattach significance to interpersonal relations. This is why artistic projects revolving around the questions of shared presence, celebration, community and participation are so important. Displayed works pertain to social relationships, relations with nature, objects and machines, but they also develop their own relations with the place, as well as with each other, in a most interesting way. They are divided in the following sections: “Art is the weapon of the defenceless”, Private is Political, Organic Life, Posthumanism, Art in the Peripheries, Genius Loci and Is Art a Lie?, which relate to different yet overlapping spheres of life and activity. Consequently, the division is conventional and there is dialogue between particular parts of the exhibition.


CATALOGUE edited by
Izabela Kowalczyk

Catalogue texts
Izabela Kowalczyk
Ewa Mrozikiewicz

Technical editor
Anna Kompanowska

Monika Ujma
Ian Corkill

Ian Corkill
Paweł Falkowski
Katarzyna Radomska

Anna Hegman, K+S
Grzegorz Laszuk, K+S

Wojciech Kuberski

Lenders and Copyright
Artists, „CSW Znaki Czasu” w Toruniu

Wojciech Doroszuk Raspberry Days, 2008, wideo, kadr z filmu

© Authors of the texts
© 2013 Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu
All rights reserved

Printed by
ARTiS Poligrafia s.c.
ul. Granitowa 7/9
87-100 Toruń

ISBN 978-83-62881-39-0

  • catalogue cover
    Microutopias of the Everyday
  • book inside
    Microutopias of the Everyday
  • book inside
    Microutopias of the Everyday
  • book inside
    Microutopias of the Everyday

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