The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

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Poster promoting 4 Plaster Festival

Published: 22 maja 2013 Views: 2405 Art, Festivals

4. PLASTER. International Festival of Poster and Typography Design

The fourth edition of the PLASTER Festival is above all based on confrontation between Polish and Italian artists working in the area of graphic design.

As a part of this confrontation, we present an outdoor exhibition on the CoCA’s boulevard, featuring large format posters of contemporary Italian designers  – the show aims to reflect the current condition of poster design within the Apennine Penninsula.

A solo show of posters by Tomasz Bogusławski, highly original Polish designer, should be a national counterpoint to the outdoor presentation. His works, based on collage and sophistiocated typo, will be presented in CoCA’s performance space. The opening scenario of the exhibition includes a meeting with the artist himself, taking place in the CoCA Cinema.

Centre’s terrace will stage another Polish-Italian juxtaposition, refering to contemporary typo design, illustration, ID projects. Next to the polish designer duo Fontarte ( Artur & Magdalena Frankowski ) we will present works of 3 Italian artists – Cristina Chiappini, Raffaella Colutto, Silvia Sfligiotti.

The last day of the festival will feature a pannel discussion dedicated to the theme of art duo’s – couples working together, forced to make artistic concessions and to compromise. The pannel, entitled „Together or apart”, features such designers as Homework, Witold Michorzewski, Sławomir Janiak, Fontarte, Silvia Sfligotti, Raffaella Colutto, Joanna Górska & Rafał Góralski, Hipopotam Studio.

PLASTER Festival is always about art workshops – this year two Italian designers, Raffaella Colutto and Silvia Sfligiotti, will host a two-day session (on the 22nd and the 23rd of May) dedicated to handmade typography design, essential shapes that take inspired from historical examples like the studies of Edward Johnston, considered the father of contemporary calligraphy, and from contemporary examples.

French Etape and German Novum – magazines dedicated to graphic design – will be visiting this year’s edition of the festival, researching  contemporary Polish design.

Live act with typo animation is planned as  the multimedia cherry on top of the PLASTER 2013 (Steve Nash & Pillow feat. Dj Funktion).

Instytucja finansowana ze środków Miasta Toruń