The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

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THOMAS BAYRLE From Weft to Warp – and Back...

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TAKE 5. Focus Poland Project

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Published: 30 stycznia 2013 Views: 1752 Books, Publications


The exhibition Telemachus is the presentation of the famous series of videos by Lech Majewski, entitled Blood of a Poet. This piece, which had its premiere at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, has repeatedly been shown in museums and galleries all over the world (including the Art Institute of Chicago, Yokohama Museum of Art, Gallerie Embricos in Paris Starmach Gallery in Krakow). Also its arrangement in Toruń based on a scenario prepared specifically for a particular exhibition: the great hall of the Centre for Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu.

Twenty projections, eigyhht with a projector and twelve on television screens, have been incorporated into the space of the column hall. They show a multilayered story of a young poet, resident in a mental hospital, struggling with memories of his father’s brutality. At the visual level, the piece is woven from the son’s traumatic experiences, oneiric visions generated by his mind and scenes from the secure unit. Presentation of particular fragments of video projections is based on perfect symmetry and rhythmicity of employed technological solutions (combination of projectors and flat screens). The exposition has been arranged with great discipline – particular parts of the cycle, shown concurrently on screens and projectors, surround the central figure of the filmic father. With the sculpture, literally dominating the space of the vast hall, the cycle achieves completion. The light coming from above accentuates and provides further confirmation of the primacy of the figure. Simultaneous presentation of each part of the cycle and non-linear narration contained in the following passages of the work are determining that every single interpretation of the work is unique and unrepeatable. Each spectator puts the story together according to his own intuition.

Mateusz Maria Bieczyński


On the occasion of the exhibition


Mateusz Bieczyński


Edited by
Mateusz Bieczyński


Catalogue texts
Mateusz Bieczyński
Agnieszka Mori


Paulina Kapelska
Monika Ujma


Ian Corkill
Paweł Falkowski


Grzegorz Laszuk, K+S
Anna Hegman, K+S


Wojciech Kuberski


Exhibition production
Wojciech Ruminski


Project coordination
Piotr Zawałkiewicz


Krew Poety

ISBN: 978-83-62881-34-5

© Authors of the texts
© 2013 Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu
All rights reserved


Printed by
Drukarnia Abedik Sp. z o.o.
ul. Glinki 84
85-861 Bydgoszcz


  • catalogue cover
    LECH MAJEWSKI Telemachus
  • catalogue inside
    LECH MAJEWSKI Telemachus
  • catalogue inside
    LECH MAJEWSKI Telemachus
  • catalogue inside
    LECH MAJEWSKI Telemachus

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Instytucja finansowana ze środków Miasta Toruń