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THOMAS BAYRLE From Weft to Warp – and Back...

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Published: 1 grudnia 2012 Views: 1724 Books, Publications

War State. Works from the collection of Galeria Wymiany

Two things have affected this publication. One is the phenomenon of Józef Robakowski’s Galeria Wymiany, the other the exhibition War State. Works from the Collection of Galeria Wymiany, hosted by the Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu in Toruń.

Located in a private apartment on the ninth floor of a tower block in Łódź, Exchange Gallery was a “live gallery” from the very beginning; it combined an archive, a collection and a multimedia centre, as well as a place for people to meet and hold discussions, rather than being merely an exhibition space. That was especially true in the 1980s when the gallery was regarded as an important point in the independent art scene with an extended network of contacts, both in Poland and abroad. A private apartment was turned into a venue for private art – a phenomenon resulting from the negation of official forms of artistic life, as well as from the social and political conditions prevailing in the last decade of the People’s Republic of Poland.


1. Introduction
2. About a Place for Art – Piotr Lisowski in conversation with Janusz Zagrodzki
3. The Post-modern Garage – Piotr Lisowski in conversation with Józef Robakowski
4. Piotr Lisowski – War State. Expanding the Battlefield
5. Aleksandra Jach – Silent Cinema – a Film and a Situation
6. Wojciech Ciesielski – Peregrination and Kolęda in Polish art
7. Agnieszka Pindera – Prvate Operators
8. Exhibition

Piotr Lisowski

Exhibition production
Wojciech Ruminski

Project coordination
Daria Pysiak, Żaneta Sarnecka

Catalogue editing by
Piotr Lisowski

Wojciech Ciesielski, Aleksandra Jach, Piotr Lisowski, Agnieszka Pindera

Paulina Kapelska, Jacek Staniszewski, Monika Ujma, Maciej Pokornowski

Natalia Cieślak, Ian Corkill, Paweł Falkowski, Katarzyna Radomska

Grzegorz Laszuk, K+S

Marcin Treichel


Archiwum Galerii Wymiany
Tytus Szabelski (exhibition views)

Lenders and Copyright
Józef Robakowski, Galeria Wymiany

Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu
ul. Wały Gen. Sikorskiego 13, 87-100 Toruń

© Authors for the texts
© Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu
All rights reserved

Printed by:
EXPOL P. Rybiński, J. Dąbek sp.j.

ISBN: 978-83-62881-33-8


  • catalogue inside
    War State. Works from the collection of Galeria Wymiany
  • catalogue inside
    War State. Works from the collection of Galeria Wymiany
  • catalogue inside
    War State. Works from the collection of Galeria Wymiany
  • catalogue cover
    War State. Works from the collection of Galeria Wymiany

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