The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

exhibition poster

PRZEprojekt: Action Space

exhibition poster

PRZEprojekt: Action Space: exhibition 005: Please Touch

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Published: 7 maja 2012 Views: 1615 Przeprojekt

PRZEprojekt exhibition 003: A NICE PIECE OF ART

18 May – 10 June 2012

Artists: Weronika Fokt, Monika Grubizna, Adrianna Jarzębowska, Magdalena Kosek, Stanisław Kośmiński, Marcelina Krzemińska, Liliana Piskorska, Paulina Opałka, Joanna Sitko, Agnieszka Szatkowska, Olga Szczechowska, Ernest Wińczyk, Marcin Zaborski
Collaboration: Marta Kołacz, Piotr Lisowski

What is art, especially the kind of art that tends to be described as “nice”? What are the expectations we wish contemporary artists and the institutions representing them to match? Are works of art more attractive to the public if they can be labelled as “nice”? The third event in the PRZEprojekt series is an urban performance and exhibition project providing young artist with an opportunity to deal with the problem of aestheticization of art.

The exhibition A Nice Piece of Art constitutes an attempt to establish a special relationship with the people of Toruń and those visiting the city by going out into the Old Town. Urban space can be inspiring but it also encourages critical reflection. The project involves much more than just decorating. Creative interventions will bring out the unique character of the place, stimulating interaction between the object and the viewer. Transitory performance pieces and photographic actions are going to take place; artistic activities will result in creation of an alternative map of noteworthy places. They stand out from the rest of the city because of the questions posed by the artists about their aesthetic values and function – referring both to objects and to their location. We want people to see the streets, cafes and squares which they pass by day in day out in a new light.

A Nice Piece of Art is aimed at testing the visual and factual attraction of contemporary art. Artistic projects are common in urban spaces, and very much so in the Old Town in Toruń. We stroll around, surrounded by architectural gems built over the centuries as well as contemporary features added to make our visit more pleasurable. PRZEprojekt artists wish to implant new art here. They intend to come up to viewers’ expectations and witness reception of their works. The objective of exhibition 003 is to make the city even more beautiful through young artists’ endeavors.

Accompanying events:

18 May 2012

Marcelina Krzemińska, Morphing thru time
photographic happening – preview of exhibition 003 A Nice Piece of Art
Rynek Staromiejski / Dwór Artusa

Magdalena Kosek, Sandra Wilczyńska and friends, Jeziora nie
będzie [There is going to be no lake]
happening, Fontanna Cosmopolis
Ernest Wińczyk, It’s fucking shallow
Klubokawiarnia Galeria Fotograficzna KONTRAPUNKT

19 May 2012 – Night of Museums

Agata Wesołowska, a tour through exhibition 003 A Nice Piece of Art

Magdalena Kosek, Sandra Wilczyńska and friends, Jeziora nie będzie [There is going to be no lake]
happening, Fontanna Cosmopolis

Marcelina Krzemińska, Lightsabers
Rynek Staromiejski / Dwór Artusa

Instytucja finansowana ze środków Miasta Toruń