The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

exhibition poster

PRZEprojekt: Action Space

PRZEprojekt poster

Published: 22 lutego 2012 Views: 1751 Przeprojekt

PRZEprojekt or Affecting the Head

Start: 1st March 2012

Creators: Karolina Ciężkowska, Marta Dziomdziora, Weronika Fokt,  Monika Grubizna, Krzysztof Jagusz, Justyna Jaworska, Adrianna Jarzębowska, Magdalena Kosek,  Artur Kościelski, Maciej Kwietnicki, Dawid Majgat, Weronika Marszelewska, Izabella Oleksy, Paulina Opałka, Liliana Piskorska, Ewa Pawlata, Adam Ruszkowski, Joanna Sitko, Agata Skupniewicz, Dorota Stępień, Olga Szczechowska, Tytus Szabelski, Magda Węgrzyn, Marcin Zaborowski, Agnieszka Żarnowska,

Curators: Marta Kołacz, Piotr Lisowski

PRZEprojekt denotes collective action, participation space as well as room for experiments away from mainstream art. For a year, we are going to collaborate with young Torun-based artists to promote integration through art. The nature and rules of PRZEprojekt are best characterized as collective creation of works/events through combining of individual pieces, ideas, interests or even arguments to form a single entity. The project is meant to be a long-term process incorporating meetings, workshops, lectures, exhibitions, films, concerts… Every month a new event in the PRZEproject series will take place offering the audience a chance to cooperate – to read (przeczytać), listen to (przesłuchać), discuss (przedyskutować) and talk (przemówić) about contemporary art.

Coined by the collaborating artists, the title of the project refers to colloquial language where the prefix PRZE, often regardless of grammatical rules, is added to adjectives to enhance their impact (PRZEokropny – most disgusting, PRZEkozacki – truly awesome, but also PRZEpiękny – utterly beautiful etc.). Preceding verbs it signifies the perfective aspect, and in many words it constitutes a regular syllable (e.g. przegląd / review or przestrzeń / space).

The PRZEgląd review of art in film, an integral part of PRZEprojekt, is a cycle of films dedicated to contemporary artistic practices, accompanied by discussions with participation of guests. The programme will include films presenting various creators and the methods they adopt in their work. Przegląd will be inaugurated at Kino Centrum on March 8 with the screening of Our City Dreams directed by Chiara Clemente.

Another important aspect of the project as well as the process of communication between artists and viewers will take the form of the action space PRZEstrzeń in Studio & Kitchen where we are going to spend time together and present results of collective work. Jerzy Ludwiński, an art critic and theoretician from Toruń, believed that an institution dedicated to contemporary art should be a “playground” as well as a “barometer” of changes occurring in art. Ingredients in this open system included the artistic fact, the creative process and the concept. Bearing that in mind, we are going to organize monthly events inviting viewers to participate in a singular game, where our works, attempts and quests will be exhibited to stimulate discussion and encounters.

Many of these things will take shape as they happen, according to need and trends of discussion (to which the audience is welcome to contribute). Thus, the project cannot be easily classified and becomes a sort of workshop whose final outcome remains a mystery to everyone.

Instytucja finansowana ze środków Miasta Toruń