The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

Jerzy Ludwiński - Cover

Jerzy Ludwiński. Wypełniając puste pola / Filling the blanks

catalogue cover

Massimo Bartolini | Serce na dłoni

catalogue cover

Published: 29 maja 2011 Views: 1519 Books, Publications

Spaceship Earth

The more advanced science gets, the closer it is to art.
The more advanced art gets, the closer it is to science.

Richard Buckminster Fuller, one of the most influential architects of the last century expressed in this way his belief in the dialogue between art and science – two principal domains capable of introducing novelties, creating visions and pushing forward boundaries of knowledge. This same conviction was shared by a number of artists who experimented with new materials and expressive languages, introducing what we know today as “media arts”. With reference to historical artistic figures whose work played an important role in bridging the gap between humanistic and natural sciences, this exhibition explores some of the most cutting-edge research, in which different disciplines intersect. Art and science open up perspectives that call for reconsideration of all prerogatives on which our relation to the surrounding material world is based. Call for social and cultural paradigms, which will bypass the dominant ones in favour of those more eco-sensible is a common feature of the work of artists presented in this exhibition. They can be seen as examples of new, visionary forms that might become a part of not so far away future on our planet – this marvellous “spaceship” that travels through the Universe with limited energy supplies, as Buckminster Fuller warned already in 1969. His explanation of the Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth concept echoes today in an important and alarming way: it reminds us that we all are interdependent and interconnected.

Part of text by Dobrila Denegri


Editing by
Dobrila Denegri

Catalogue texts
Dobrila Denegri, Franco Farinelli, Xàrene Eskandar

Entries by
Dobrila Denegri
Artists statments: Acconci Studio, Jakub Nepraš, Tobias Putrih, Simon Thorogood, Victoria Vesna

Aleksandra Jakubczak (text by Franco Farinelli)
Anna Jankojć (captions)
Filip Lipiński

Filip Lipiński (English version)
Katarzyna Radomska (Polish version)

Design and typesetting
Grzegorz Laszuk

Thorsten Arendt; Thierry Bal; Ela Białkowska; Marija Braut; Francesco Cartocci; def image; Steffen Harms; Serge Hasenböhler; Matthias Kolb; Leprowski; Roman März; Ernesto Neto; Christopher O’Leary; Paolo Pellion; Giorgio Pizzagalli; Johannes Vogl; Andrzej Wasilewski; Zhao Zhao;

Exhibition set up consulting
Arch. Stefania Miscetti

Exhibition production
Wojciech Ruminski

Project coordination
Anna Jankojć
Paulina Kuhn
Piotr Zawałkiewicz

Technology rental

InterRisck – Vienna Insurance Group

Lenders and Copyright
All the artists; ALI – Art Learning Institute, Rome; Andrea Kowalski; Paris; Archivio Gianni Colombo, Milan;

Collection Raffaella and Stefano Sciarretta – Nomas Foundation, Rome; Collection Sudac, Zagreb; Dunja Donassy, Koenigswinter; Gallery Andréhn-Schiptjenko, Stockholm, Gallery Continua, San Gimignano / Beijing / Le Moulin; Gallery Gregor Podnar, Berlin / Ljubljana; Gallery Federico Luger, Milan; Gallery Johann König, Berlin; Gallery Tanya Bonakdar, New York; Giuliani Foundation, Rome;

Special thanks to
To thank to all the artists and their collaborators, as well as:

ALI – Art Learning Institute
Andrea Kowalski
Archivio Gianni Colombo
Buckminster Fuller Institute
Castello di Rivoli – Museum of Contemporary Art
Collection Raffaella and Stefano Sciarretta – Nomas Foundation
Collection Sudac
Dunja Donassy
Gallery Andréhn-Schiptjenko
Gallery Continua
Gallery Gregor Podnar
Gallery Federico Luger
Gallery Johann König
Gallery Martin Janda
Gallery Max Hetzler
Gallery Tanya Bonakdar
Gallery Vernon
Giuliani Foundation
Józef Robakowski
Margit Rosen
Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb
Robert Snyder and Masters & Masterworks Productions, Inc.
ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Acconci Studio (Vito Acconci, Francis Bitonti, Pablo Kohan, Bradley Rothenberg)
2-Way Skin-Suit, 2010

© Authors for the texts
© 2010 Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu
All rights reserved

Printed by
Arspol, Bydgoszcz

ISBN: 978-83-929875-8-1


  • catalogue inside
    Spaceship Earth
  • catalogue inside
    Spaceship Earth
  • catalogue inside
    Spaceship Earth
  • catalogue inside
    Spaceship Earth
  • catalogue cover
    Spaceship Earth

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Instytucja finansowana ze środków Miasta Toruń