The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

catalogue cover

Apogeum. Nowa Ekspresja 1987

catalogue cover

Spaceship Earth

Jerzy Ludwiński - Cover

Published: 28 marca 2011 Views: 1524 Books, Publications

Jerzy Ludwiński. Wypełniając puste pola / Filling the blanks

„Jerzy Ludwiński remains an inspiring figure not only to scholars in contemporary art history but also to artists. The dynamics of Ludwiński’s actions and beliefs cannot be easily described in the process of analytical reflection; they belong to the realm of conceptual ideas, right where he left them. Rather than attempting to thoroughly explicate the phenomenon of Ludwiński, this publication constitutes an extension of the exhibition Filling the Blanks, staged at the Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu in Toruń.

The compilation of essays and materials included in the catalogue provides a theoretical view on selected themes in Ludwiński’s story; it also presents subjective opinions, memories and anecdotes about the critic. Part of the publication has been given to the exhibiting artists and thus it complements the exhibition space. There are literal quotations from the exhibition, sketches, inspirations, searches and materials that came about during the working on the project. The entirety, we hope, will find its place in the process aiming to reveal — as Jerzy Ludwiński would put it — artistic facts.”

part of text: Exhibition Space / Catalogue Space


  • Jerzy Ludwiński - Cover
    Jerzy Ludwiński - Cover
  • Jerzy Ludwiński
    Jerzy Ludwiński
  • Jerzy Ludwiński
    Jerzy Ludwiński
  • Jerzy Ludwiński



Editing by
Piotr Lisowski, Katarzyna Radomska

Piotr Lisowski, Zbigniew Makarewicz, Katarzyna Radomska, Wiesław Smużny, Magdalena Ziółkowska

Jarek Hetman
Aleksandra Jakubczak
Monika Ujma

Language editing and proofreading
Jarek Hetman, Aleksandra Jakubczak (English version)
Anna Gleb, Anna Kompanowska, Katarzyna Radomska (Polish version)

Grzegorz Laszuk, K+S

Marcin Treichel

Lenders and Copyright
Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski w Warszawie, Dolnośląskie Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych, Muzeum Architektury we Wrocławiu, Zdzisław Holuka, Krystyna Djament, Jan Chwałczyk, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich we Wrocławiu

Druk / Printed by
Wrocławska Drukarnia Naukowa PAN




© Autorzy tekstów / Authors for the texts
© 2010 Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Znaki Czasu / Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu
All rights reserved

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