The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

Exhibition / Painting Still Alive


Published: 30 listopada 2018 Views: 4311 Art, Home

Marina Abramović. Do czysta / The Cleaner – Call for Performers!

The Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń is looking for people willing to participate in re-enacting selected performance pieces by Marina Abramović. Reperformance acts will take place at the CoCA Toruń as part of Marina Abramović’s show The Cleaner, between 8 March and 11 August 2019. We especially invite artists working in all performative fields as well as people with wide experience of dance or theatre. Applicants must be 20 years old or older, and able to communicate in English. They must also be available at two selected weekends (Saturday and Sunday) in each month of the exhibition, as well as at the long weekend in May (1–5 May 2019).

Auditions will be held at the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń between 4 and 6 January 2019. Before the show, in February 2019 (dates to be soon announced), selected participants will attend a five- or six-day training workshop (outside of Toruń). The workshop will be run by Lynsey Peisinger, a collaborator of Marina Abramović.

Please send a short letter of motivation and your CV to, deadline: 20 December 2018.

The Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń will invite (by email) selected applicants to the January auditions. Information regarding payment will be presented at the auditions.


Please, do not enter if you cannot guarantee your availability on the dates named above.

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