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Exhibition / Multithreadness of Fabric

Published: 14 grudnia 2017 Views: 1882 Exhibitions, Home

Exhibition / My Mom Is My Biggest Fan – Paweł Zawiślak aka Kropki Kreski. Works from 2010–2017

When: 15.12.2017–4.02.2018

Opening: 15 December 2017, 19.00

Curator’s tour: 16.12. (Saturday), 12.00 (meeting place at reception desk).

Curated by Mateusz Kozieradzki
Coordinated by Renata Sargalska


My Mom is My Biggest Fan is the title of the individual show by Paweł Zawiślak, also known as Kropki Kreski. The exhibition is part of the broader cycle of expositions focusing on research and presentation of fashion and design in the wide sense. One of Zawiślak’s pieces was included in the Art next to Fashion exhibition, hosted by CoCA Toruń, and now the Centre is staging an individual show of his works created in 2010-2017.

Zawiślak’s work was once described as ‟hyperrealist surrealism with meticulous attention to detail.” His pieces can be seen in fashion magazines, on the Internet as well as on poster pillars. They are characterized by remarkably faithful representation – his complete mastery of drawing reveals the artist’s manual abilities and becomes a pretext for highlighting problems that tend to be overlooked or rejected in our world.

Zawiślak’s works take a long time to create. The process can often be followed on social media. In this way, we see that some objects take months to come into being. He stresses the importance of manual execution of as much of a work as possible. He keeps the use of graphic software down to the minimum. Drawings consist of a dense net of colourful lines which merge to form a visually uniform surface.

Exhibited works also offer a comprehensive presentation of techniques employed by the artist – from painting techniques, via drawing, embroidery, collage, to using ready made elements such as X-ray images. The overview of techniques adds an educational dimension to the show.

Although he graduated in industrial design, he has always been captivated by fashion, which remains the main field of his interest. Amidst myriad popular people he portrays and well-known clothing brands he treats as a medium of ideas, there is a dose of criticism, sometimes uncovering the hypocrisy ensuing from living in a society bothered by popular culture. Sometimes he shows problems caused by seeking fame or intolerance of orientation or sex. Illustration is not perfect representation of reality and Zawiślak’s works, despite their realism or even hyperrealism, clearly include an element of interpretation. Because of habitual precision, the displayed element is transformed to gain the desired expression by its specific form.

Apart from drawings, textile design constitutes a major part of Zawoślak’s work. The exhibition contains prints and pattern designs created for such companies as Sebastian Owsianka or Czesiociuch.


Paweł Zawiślak aka Kropki Kreski was educated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław (Industrial Design) and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp (Graphic Design). At the Royal Academy of Fine Arts he studied under such artists as Klaas Verplancke, Ann Geerinck and Walter Van Beirendonck. His diploma work was nominated for the Horlait – Dapsens 2015 award. His work has been exhibited at individual and group shows, e.g. in Berlin, Paris, Moscow, Antwerp and Wrocław. He received grants from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage as well as from the Flemish Community. He worked as an intern with Walter Van Beirendonck, developing projects for such firms as IKEA or JBC. Lately, he has collaborated with the following magazines: Viva, Smak, Fashion Magazine, Vice, Gala, and firms such as Converse, Time Out Moscow, Stabilo, Czesiociuch, Mystic and Wydawnictwo Otwarte. He has designed the cover and illustrations for Czesław Śpiewa’s records, Księga Emigrantów tom I and Księga Emigrantów tom II as well as the cover and illustrations for the book Nie tak łatwo być Czesławem. His works have been presented by Diane Pernet at the website A Shaded View of Fashion.


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