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Published: 13 kwietnia 2021 Views: 1103 Exhibitions, Home

Exhibition / Group Zero 61: 1961–2021

Dates: 23 April – 20 June 2021

Curated by Krzysztof Białowicz, Krzysztof Stanisławski, Marek Żydowicz
Coordinated by Renata Sargalska
Exhibition realised by Wojciech Ruminski

The Centre of Contemporary Art “Znaki Czasu” in Toruń will host a monographic multimedia exhibition: GROUP ZERO 61: 1961–2021.
The Column Hall will house works by the seven most eminent members of the Z61 group: photograms, photo-objects and films by Józef Robakowski, photograms and films by Wojciech Bruszewski, works by Jerzy Wardak, photographs and films by Andrzej Różycki, as well as photograms and objects created by Michał Kokot, Antoni Mikołajczyk and Czesław Kuchta. The works are on loan from private collections of the artists (Robakowski, Różycki and Wardak), their families (Bruszewski and Kokot) and from museums, including the Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź, the District Museum in Toruń and CoCA’s own collection.
The Zero 61 group was the foremost avant-garde collective ever active in Toruń. The experiments of its members were a substantial contribution to the development of avant-garde in Poland, making an extensive exhibition dedicated exclusively to their work and accompanied by a catalogue well deserved. The aim of the project is to accomplish exactly this.
The leading members of the group also founded the Film Form Workshop in Łódź – another important avant-garde circle, active in Poland in the 1970s and 80s; the display will, to some extent, unite the achievements of both groups (screenings of avant-garde films made by the FFW after 1970) as well as some works created by the seven artists later on in their careers. Nevertheless, the Zero 61 group will remain the main focus of the exhibition.
The project is curated by Krzysztof Białowicz, Krzysztof Stanisławski and Marek Żydowicz, coordinated by Renata Sargalska, and realised by Wojciech Ruminski.
The monographic publication will feature essays by authors known for their extensive expertise in avant-garde photography and film.

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