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Exhibition / Natalia LL. Sum ergo sum

Published: 24 kwietnia 2017 Views: 1972 Art, Exhibitions, Home

Exhibition / HERE we are. Selected works of post-1945 Polish art from the collection of Krzysztof Musiał

When: 28 April – 15 August 2017
Exhibition opening: 28 April, 7 pm
Press conference (open): 28 April, 5 pm

Curated by: Wacław Kuczma

HERE we are. Selected works of post-1945 Polish art from the collection of Krzysztof Musiał

Artists: Adam Adach, Bogusław Bachorczyk, Mirosław Bałka, Basia Bańda, Grzegorz Bednarski, Krzysztof M. Bednarski, Miłosz Benedyktowicz, Jan Berdyszak, Kiejstut Bereźnicki, Marian Bogusz, Tymek Borowski, Tadeusz Brzozowski, Zbigniew Cebula, Tomasz Ciecierski, Stanisław Cukier, Jan Cybis, Julia Cybis, Sławomir Czajkowski, Marian Czapla, Józef Czapski, Wojciech Ćwiertniewicz, Jan Dobkowski, Tadeusz Dominik, Jan Dziaczkowski, Barbara Falender, Wojciech Fangor, Stanisław Fijałkowski, Stefan Gierowski, Ryszard Grzyb, Zbylut Grzywacz, Andrzej Janczyszyn, Maria Jarema, Paweł Kałużyński, Koji Kamoji, Artur Kapturski, Arkadiusz Karapuda, Jarosław Kawiorski, Katarzyna Kobro, Aleksander Kobzdej, Łukasz Korolkiewicz, Grzegorz Kozera, Edward Krasiński, Jan Lebenstein, Alfred Lenica, Tadeusz Łodziana, Zbysław Marek Maciejewski, Zbigniew Makowski, Adam Marczukiewicz, Józef Marek, Eugeniusz Markowski, Jarosław Modzelewski, Artur Nacht-Samborski, Julian Nowicki, Jerzy Nowosielski, Antoni Pastwa, Włodzimierz Pawlak, Teresa Pągowska, Piotr Potworowski, Marek Przybył, Karol Radziszewski, Józef Robakowski, Teresa Rudowicz, Czesław Rzepiński, Jacek Sempoliński, Jacek Sienicki, Adam Smolana, Marek Sobczyk, Leszek Sobocki, Kajetan Sosnowski, Jacek Sroka, Antoni Starowieyski, Irmina Staś, Henryk Stażewski, Jonasz Stern, Łukasz Stokłosa, Władysław Strzemiński, Paweł Susid, Bogusław Szwacz, Alina Szapocznikow, Wacław Taranczewski, Leon Tarasewicz, Jan Tarasin, Tomasz Tatarczyk Jerzy Tchórzewski, Zbigniew Tymoszewski, Waldemar Umiastowski, Jacek Waltoś, Mieczysław Wejman, Rafał Wilk, Ryszard Winiarski, Ryszard Woźniak, Andrzej Wróblewski, Włodzimierz Jan Zakrzewski, Rajmund Ziemski 


The Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń will present a selection of works from the art collection of Krzysztof Musiał, one of Poland’s most prominent collectors.

The exhibition will include works by Polish artists created after the end of World War II. Given that the time span of the presented works extends to the present day, the exhibition will make it possible not only to see a cross-section of the history of Polish art, but will also offer an illustration of the dialogue, relations and contrasts in the development of the main artistic trends.

The avant-garde period, which is crucially important for the understanding of modern art, will be represented by works of its protagonists: Katarzyna Kobro and Władysław Strzemiński. Their artistic output, in the long run, gave impetus to the emergence of the neo-avant-garde tendencies represented by, among others, Edward Krasiński and Henryk Stażewski. One of the most important sections of the exhibition will be composed of works dealing with the broadly understood question of sexuality as well as with both the good and bad aspects of human life. These will include a selection of works by Alina Szapocznikow, Barbara Falender, Łukasz Stokłosa, Karol Radziszewski and Wojciech Ćwiertniewicz.

The exhibition will also offer an opportunity to see the works created by several post-war Polish artistic groups. The Krakow ‘Wprost’ group will be represented by works of such artists as Zbylut Grzywacz and Leszek Sobocki, presented alongside the paintings by Jerzy Nowosielski. In contrast to the figurative painting, the exhibition will also include artworks belonging to the broadly understood category of abstract art and created by such artists as Wojciech Fangor, Jerzy Tchórzewski, Jan Berdyszak, Tadeusz Brzozowski or the seemingly abstract paintings by Tomasz Tatarczyk, Leon Tarasewicz and Jan Tarasin.

It has to be noted that the list of names of the artists whose works will be presented at the exhibition is much longer: we will see selected works by as many as 94 artists.

The presentation will also provide an opportunity to learn about various artistic techniques: metal casts, ceramics, oil and acrylic paintings, watercolour, pastel and many others. The exhibition will be presented from late April to mid-August 2017, which will make it possible for students and tourists visiting Toruń to see a selection of works by canonical Polish artists.


Krzysztof Musiał – graduated from Warsaw University of Technology and the prestigious business school INSEAD in Fontainebleau. Since 1979, he has worked in France, Germany, England and the USA. In 1990–2001, he managed his own company ABC Data in Warsaw, one of the leaders in the computer market in Poland. For many years he has sponsored a number of various artistic ventures, both in Poland and abroad: exhibitions, concerts, theatre and opera performances, master classes for young singers, and literature; his support extends also to the state-owned museum collections in Poland. He owns a significant collection of Polish painting, drawing, and sculpture. In 2002, he was awarded the prize of ‘The Sponsor of the Arts 2001’.



Honorary patronage: Ministry of Culture and National Heritage

The exhibition has been organised in co-operation with the Polish Modern Art Foundation and the aTAK Gallery


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