The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

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PRZEprojekt: Action Space: exhibition 005: Please Touch

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Published: 5 marca 2013 Views: 1701 Przeprojekt

PRZEprojekt: Dagmara Pochyła. HUMANOBODY

20.03 – 07.04.2013
exhibition opening 20 March, Wednesday, 7 pm , LabSen/CoCA

Dagmara Pochyła’s exhibition entitled Humanikt [Humanobody] defies the idea of the human race being the most important component of the world. Lives devoid of empathic human or, more importantly in this context, interracial relations will eventually lead to annihilation. This is emphasized by the title of the exhibition, a nonexistent word relating to a humanist attitude (considering the human being the centre of all things) and denying it at the same time. Being merely a link in the daily ritual of defining ourselves and the surrounding world, we end up following well-trodden paths without wishing to revise, question or reconsider them. Employing image and sound in her work, the artist breaks the routine and reminds us of our place in the world, whose coordinates must be defined individually but in reference to the entirety which is the human race, or the universe. In her video works, both Mandatorium and Obietnica [Promise], Pochyła comments on interracial relations. In the cycle entitled Styczna [Tangent], she attempts to find out how an individual human being copes with an order that goes beyond their cognitive possibilities at different stages of life.

There are two aspects to the exhibition, a diurnal one and a nocturnal one. During the day, viewers can see pieces displayed at LabSen, the public room at CoCA. The nocturnal aspect involves the screening of Mandatorium on the window of the Centre facing Bulwar Sztuki, from 7 pm till dawn.

During the opening of the exhibition on 20 March, at 7 pm, the artist will perform an action entitled Utrzymanie [Maintenance] in the performance hollow.

Dagmara Pochyła (born 1983) graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. A performer, installation and video artist. Her works were presented in group exhibitions, including: I Festiwal Sztuki i Dokumentacji, Bałucki Ośrodek Kultury, Łódź (2009), Mów do mnie jeszcze, BWA, Wroclaw, (2008), IV Edycja Samsung Art Master, CSW Zamek Ujazdowski in Warsaw (2007), Festiwal Wyobraźnia Ekranu, Galeria Dla…, Torun (2006) as well as solo exhibitions: bez tytułu, Galeria Enter, Poznań (2008), Uzbierało mi się, Galeria Dla…, Toruń (2007). She lives in Szczecin.
The exhibition is part of PRZEprojekt: Open call, aiming to present and support work by interesting young artists based in Torun or connected with the city in other ways.

Instytucja finansowana ze środków Miasta Toruń