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Published: 26 lutego 2010 Views: 1650 Art, Exhibitions

The Yellow Spot | Tilman Wendland

opening: 26th February, 7 PM

curated by: Kasha Bittner

The Yellow Spot project is an individual exhibition by Berlin-based artist Tilman Wendland. His objects and installations are always preceded by detailed research into the context of a given project and determined by the space in which they are created, chosen material and the process of laborious work. Incorporating simple white materials (paper, cardboard or hardboard), Wendland’s works seem both absent and present – as though they had always been there, which confirms the contingent nature of the concept of „finiteness” of space.



Invited to work in the biggest space at the CoCA in Toruń, the artist had to face its monumental nature and huge cubic capacity. Yellow Spot is not only a site specific installation but also the first ever project since the CoCA was inaugurated meant to deal with the architectural and conceptual aspects of the found space. Accommodated in a „frame” that is so overtly architectural with formal features referring to the architecture canon and that poses as a classic „temple of art”, the installation is close to reflections on the contemporary concept of exhibition space. Interestingly, while these reflections have been changing over the last years in ideological, programme and mental terms, a new exhibition space in Toruń, a classic white cube, is formally designed as a „temple of arts”.


The Yellow Spot

(lat. Macula lutea), a part of the eye’s retina, responsible for the clearness of vision and the perception of color, is supposed to help the viewer in that. Samuel Thomas Soemmerring, who discovered it, was born in Torun in 1755.


  • exhibition view
    The Yellow Spot, Tilman Wendland, photo by Wojtek Olech
  • photo of Tilman Wendland's work
    Tilman Wendland
  • exhibition view
    The Yellow Spot, Tilman Wendland, photo by Wojtek Olech
  • exhibition view
    The Yellow Spot, Tilman Wendland, photo by Wojtek Olech
  • exhibition view
    The Yellow Spot, Tilman Wendland, photo by Wojtek Olech
  • exhibition view
    The Yellow Spot, Tilman Wendland, photo by Wojtek Olech
  • exhibition view
    The Yellow Spot, Tilman Wendland, photo by Wojtek Olech
  • exhibition view
    The Yellow Spot, Tilman Wendland, photo by Wojtek Olech
  • exhibition view
    The Yellow Spot, Tilman Wendland, photo by Wojtek Olech
  • photo of Tilman Wendland's work
    Tilman Wendland
  • photo of Tilman Wendland's work
    Tilman Wendland
  • photo of Tilman Wendland's work
    Tilman Wendland

Instytucja finansowana ze środków Miasta Toruń