The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

exhibition view


photo by Sung Nam-Hun


work of Mieczysław Wiśniewski

Published: 11 grudnia 2009 Views: 1270 Art, Exhibitions

Mieczyslaw Wisniewski: Paintings, Collages, Assamblages, Spherical Systems

Works from the years 1954-2009

official opening: Dec.11, 7 PM

Mieczyslaw Wisniewski’s exhibition at CoCA is an attempt to sum-up  the 55 years of his artistic practice, to capture  its most significant forms and motives.
The artists himself tends to describe his own work as a consistent system, based on the inspiration flowing from geometry and all the phenomena connected with the play of light and darkness. The critics, however, define the source of artist’s inspiration as the influence of cubism, or the works of such artists as Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian and the theory of suprematism by Kasimir Malevich.

Instytucja finansowana ze środków Miasta Toruń