The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

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Don’t Stare at the Sun / Nie patrz prosto...



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Published: 10 grudnia 2009 Views: 1287 Books, Publications


Catalogue accompanying the FACTORY exhibition featuring Mariusz Waras and Krzysztof Topolski. The publication contains texts by FACTORY’s curator, Daniel Muzyczuk, and essays by Bob Black and Alain Badiou.

A gigantic, engine-driven factory, has filled the space of an institution dedicated to contemporary art. Why does it have to be a factory? Why put a great deal of effort into building an object and setting it in motion, when the suggestion of it being a site of production lies in its name and form only? Is this not taking things to extremes? If there is intention behind an artistic project, how can we accept the idea that the artists undertook such arduous effort intentionally, knowing it was utterly pointless? Even if we put up with the artists’ apparently vain and exaggerated gesture, we are still left with the inconvenient title. We cannot avoid the question; why is it that this factory is created today? Don’t we live in a postindustrial world where the service sector dominates over the production of goods, and the Futurists’ tremendous admiration for the era of machines sounds ridiculous? As the industrial era passed, the Modernist spectres of social class, as well as the never-ending struggle between them, also came to an end. We live in a society of equals and the Postmodern haze of values has given us the sort of freedom for which we were never quite ready before. The factory is thus a symbol of that ideological epoch where industrial progress meant the advance of global economics and the wealth of nations (…).

Daniel Muzyczuk, The Subject and the Object of Production and Idleness

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FACTORY. Catalogue accompanying the FACTORY exhibition.

Editing by Daniel Muzyczuk

Texts by:

/ Mariusz Waras, A Factory in Reversed Process

/ Krzysztof Topolski, Factory
/ Szczym (building process streaming), The Factory Displayed
/ Wojciech Rumiński (exhibition producer), The Meta-factory and the Bulk
/ Dominik Pokornowski (project coordinator), Project no. 10/2009 The Factory
/ Daniel Muzyczuk ( curator),  The Subject and the Object of Production and Idleness
/ Bob Black, The Abolition of Work
/ Alain Badiou, The Factory as Event Site

Coordination: Katarzyna Radomska
Translation: Jan Karłowski, Paweł Mościcki, Monika Ujma, Adrian Zalewski
Photographs: Katarzyna Jankowska, Wojciech Olech, Mariusz Waras
Design and typesetting: Mariusz Waras

Written in English and Polish

ISBN: 978-83-927311-7-7, Toruń 2009


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