The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

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Zbigniew Rybczyński. On the Visual Image

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exhibition poster

Published: 9 października 2009 Views: 1037 Art, Exhibitions

Collection 2. Works from the Collection of CoCA in Torun

Artists: Stanisław Borysowski, Wojciech Bruszewski, Tomasz Ciecierski, Joanna Górska, Marcelina Gunia, Izabella Gustowska, Andrzej Guttfeld, Elżbieta Jabłońska (S+K), Leszek Kiljański, Piotr Klugowski, Ryszard Krzywka, Zofia Kulik, Jarosław Modzelewski, Jacek Niegoda, Jan Pręgowski, Leszek Przyjemski, Józef Robakowski, Leon Romanow, Józef Słobosz, Marek Szary, Leon Tarasewicz, Andrzej Wasilewski (S+K), Ryszard Wietecki, Adam Witkowski, Lech Wolski, Wojciech Zamiara, Mieczysław Ziomek, Grupa Działania (Bogdan Chmielewski, Witold Chmielewski, Andrzej Maziec, Stanisław Wasilewski, Wiesław Smużny), Grupa Zero-61 (Michał Kokot, Andrzej Różycki, Jerzy Wardak)

opening: 9th October, 7 PM

curator: Piotr Lisowski

The first two years of establishing CoCA’s Collection constitute a sort of an introduction to a certain systematic process. A process whose immediate result is in the formation of a compilation of artworks that reflects the institution’s field of interest. On the one hand, the presentation of works from the Collection is supposed to demonstrate this initial phase, on the other hand – it should offer the opportunity to get acquainted with the basic ideas behind its formation.

Main reference points of the exhibition are appointed by glocality and education – terms of essential meaning when considering the identity of the institution. Glocality as a certain research tactics enables observing local phenomena  in a global perspective, it assumes confrontation, but above all – it attempts to rediscover and redefine the problems merely known to wide public.

Following this track, the CoCA decided to archive the collective activities directly and indirectly connected to local artistic environment, which, at the same time, reflect the strategies of polish neo-avantgarde in the 60’s and 70’s of the XX century. The documentary character of the Collection draws attention towards socially and politically-related art, constituting yet another important track.  This direction is established by artistic quests for social interventions in the world of contemporary art, activities leading to asking questions and analising the current problems.

Against a background of such traces the educational aspect remains extremely important. The transformations that have taken place in the field of art since the 60’s determine an indispensable element facilitating the perception of contemporary events and create a springboard for the artists of new generation. Therefore the exhibition features such figures as Wojciech Bruszewski, Józef Robakowski, Zofia Kulik, Izabella Gustowska, Tomasz Ciecierski, Leon Tarasewicz or Jarosław Modzelewski.

The exposition’s space is designed according to the key traces for the exhibition. While following them, viewers may observe them infiltrate, interconnect, create a homogenous narration which reflects the idea behind the Collection.

The artworks from the Collection were purchased as a part of the Regional Operational Programme ‚The Signs of Time’ of the National Centre for Culture and thanks to the donation of the Mareshall of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Instytucja finansowana ze środków Miasta Toruń