The Institution is funded from the budget of Toruń Municipality

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II CoCArt Music Festival

Poster promoting Chopin Festival

Field of vision festival: Chopin – Pole Widzenia /...

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Published: 15 września 2009 Views: 1144 Festivals

Pole Widzenia 2 festival

3-5 September

The second edition of the POLE WIDZENIA festival is dedicated to establishing new, more creative formula for the art of animation, in terms of its visual content and various ways of presentation. The current festival, as opposed to the last year’s edition presented in the architectural context of Torun’s Old Town, will take place entirely in the spaces of the Centre of Contemporary Art.

The POLE WIDZENIA festival, starting on the 3rd of September, is one of the most significant events promoting polish animation and new media in Poland. The artworks will be presented in ‚Cinema Centrum’, in the spaces of CoCA’s ground floor and on the observation deck. Special guests featuring the festival are such celebrated polish artists as Jarosław Kapuściński, Dawid Marcinkowski, Wojciech Bąkowski, Aleksander Janicki and Mariusz Wilczyński.

/Zbigniew Rybczyński’s exhibition
Zbigniew Rybczyński is a world-famous author of animated films and video works, an Oscar winner and the first filmmaker to use High Definition television technology, author of video clips to music by Simple Minds, Mick Jagger or John Lennon. The On the visual image exposition is a collection of Rybczyński’s film pieces and electronic works, accompanied by a series of sketches, drawings, calculations and graphs.

/Animation competition
This year’s festival’s edition includes 2 competitions for animators: the 329 Project, dedicated to young artists, and the Principal Contest. The Jury, consisting of celebrated polish artists and critics, will select the best artworks, which will be presented on the plasma screen situated on CoCA’s ground floor, as well as in the Cinema Centrum, during the festival.

The WRO LAB ON TOUR multimedia workshops concerning interactive art will be held on 4-5 September. During 3 following sessions the participants will get the opportunity to get to know all the secrets of interactive technologies that enable creating interactive performances and installations.


Instytucja finansowana ze środków Miasta Toruń